Monday, August 25, 2008

Madonna tour ~ Comparing McCain to Hitler and Obama to Gandhi

YES. Madonna knows how to do it. She isn't afraid to go against the grain and be controversial ~ and to just put it out there........right in the audience's faces. Kinda reminds me of myself back in my day! I mean if you got the stage USE IT!

Madonna started her tour yesterday and got everyone a-buzzin' with her video. She showed McCain (who I'm not keen on anyhow) mixed in with images of global warming and Hitler! Damn! That's taking things way past what other critics of McCain have done. Plus she showed the video along with this song she has called "Get Stupid".....

Then the video moved on to Obama, but this time she used pictures of John Lennon, Al Gore and Gandhi! Yes she's hitting the extremes, but it makes an impression. It's an artist speaking out and taking a risk and that takes real guts.

And there's something else too. Madonna just turned 50 years old a couple days ago, and she comes out onstage lookin' hotter than a cricket in July! Look at this woman's legs! My gawd! I personally like women a lot rounder than this, but to show up in front of thousands of folks in amazing shape and 50 years old ~ I haven't seen anyone else do that! Have you seen Eric Clapton and Neil Young lately? They should call Madonna's trainer right away. That must've taken a lot of work, and I admire women that work hard. I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers!

Till next time.


Uncle Samurai said...

She does kinda look like...Madonna, huh?

Ma Rainey said...

huh? Whatchoo talkin' about Lewis?