Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama, McCain, and the crazy Palin lady

Obama is my man. Oh yes. I'm so proud, and still kind of in shock, that a black man has finally been nominated for president in this country! And he's so smart, well spoken and focused......I'm so proud and excited I can barely see straight! I think he will be a fantastic representative for our country on the world stage.

And now we have McCain and this crazy Palin lady that shoots animals and wants to drill in the far North. Lord help us all!

I heard today that 25% of women have left the Obama campaign and will vote for McCain! Why???? Didn't you all hear Hillary?? NO MCCAIN, NO HOW, NO WAY. Or something like that.

It's great to have a female VP candidate, but just 'cause she's a woman doesn't qualify her for the job.


(fake) Son House said...

These women have lost their minds Ma Rainey!!
Fickle fickle fickle! Aint the way it used to be...
No way...


Bùi Minh Trading said...
