In a word......yuck. Truly yuck.
I tried my best to watch this thing, but it was so challenging I had to jump between this and a Will Smith movie. The MTV awards last night was full of superstars, but the star of the show was this Weird English guy who hosted it - Russell Brand. I couldn't understand him very well (he had a very thick accent), but I DID hear him beg Americans to vote for Obama this November. I thought THAT was cool!
And this Russell guy had some weird silver metal bar thing hanging over his crotch. What was that thing? It's in the picture here. You couldn't stop looking at it....well at least I couldn't! Anyway, everything goes downhill from here....
I was expecting that music would play a huge part in the show too, but music took a back seat to the hysterical visuals onstage. You know, I am speechless about what I saw. I don't mind shows that are extreme or provocative, but this was a visual onslaught of lights, bizarre outfits and crazy hair and it was just too much. The whole show was geared towards teenagers of course....it was like one long cereal commercial.
The dancing was all slick and over rehearsed too, and the dancers were too healthy. You know what I mean? they looked like jocks or football players, not dancers!
The music was really bad too, in particular the song by Kid Rock. He had new words written over a "mash up" of two GREAT songs - Werewolves of London and Sweet Home Alabama. Made me shudder. He put all these drug references in the song, and even had a rapper come out and start rapping over the huge mess.
I saw Christina Aguilara lip syncing too! She looked like some gothic bimbo trying to act like I don't know what......a detective? A mafioso? What the hell was she supposed to be??
I thought Tokio Hotel had an interesting looking girl singer until I heard a boy's voice come out from that wig and makeup. They looked Japanese but I think they're from Germany.
And they capped the whole thing off with this HORRIBLE band called Paramour!
I better stop here.....lord help us all....
Review of Russell Brand by the Seattle Post
Top Ten Things we didn't See